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“Creating foundations for future generations of esports”

JOnathan noel, DC  |  Founder



The culture of esports and gaming continues to expand exponentially. And with it problems that have long gone ignored. The stereotypical gamer had little focus on their health. But this is changing.


I dismissed the warning signs early in life. My fingers, hands, arms, and neck would ache for days. Several heath issues began to appear after extended periods of game play. Pain seared in my eyes as my vision began to blur as migraine headaches became common. I’d rotate platforms to avoid pain but found that each one had its own unique consequences. Numbness. tingling, and daily headaches. I finally started to make care when the pain and discomfort became too much. At first, I was able to make good progress. I thought things had improved and so I no longer put effort into my health. These issues would later resurface again. And again. I soon realized it would not correct on its own over time. So I began to truly learn about and invest in maintaining my health. These key areas included nutrition, fitness, posture, and the psychological - perhaps the most challenging and important of all. While I’ve personally made many improvements to all of these areas, there is no true end - it’s a consistent pursuit of health that works. That seems exhausting. Perhaps in the beginning it was but the investment in my health paid of well in the end. I was able to share my success with family and friends. And when they asked I began to help them with their issues as well.

So at the end of 2019 I set out to begin positively impacting the health of gamers everywhere creating foundations for future generations of esports. My own personal experiences have shaped my approach to helping others find their health in gaming.

I hope that in some way that this, AlignXP, has a positive influence in your efforts to game in good health!

- Dr. Jonathan Noel, DC


Something surprising is happening within this industry. So many people in the gaming space warmly welcome collaboration. Each day you’ll discover more professionals contributing to this shared vision of a future. This feels unique to the industry - a unified effort that can set gaming and esports apart from other competitive entertainment and recreation in the future.

In 2020 AlignXP will begin to do more for the health of the esports gaming communities all over and, hopefully, be a trusted resource for a long time to come.




Main Quest

Improve the foundations of health for all gamers, from casual Players to competitive esports organizations and beyond.


Side Quests

AlignXP has several major quests that support its mission to improve the health of gamers.



There is a lot of health information across the web.

But what is valuable to esports?

AlignXP tasks itself to explore that information by a simple process: search, filter, collect, and then report on valuable and esports performance data.

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There is little research specific to esports performance and gaming.

AlignXP hopes to contribute toward esports specific research by collaborating with professionals all over…

… and you! Gaming communities everywhere can help build a healthier future.



For relevant research out there AlignXP would like to do the hard work of finding and distilling this information to help you make informed decisions about your health and how it relates to gaming.

Essentially AlignXP will begin a high quality wiki source for esports health.


Information is most valuable when continues to prove true.

AlignXP aims to continually refine content to set a high standard of quality.

Updates will be made based on information from surveys and other contributions.


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