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Health Surveys


Ergonomic Gaming Setups

Please answer some questions about your body positioning while gaming to help us understand how common postures influence the average gaming experience.

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Esports Health Issues

This survey is to help define what aches and pains bother gamers most.

Even if you don't have pain, we'd like to know that too!


Equipment Surveys

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Ergonomic Support Use

Sometimes gaming causes discomforts, aches, pains, and injuries that require extra attention.

Please share how you utilize ergonomic support(s) or why you do not use any.

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Recovery & Therapy Tools

How do you improve your health when you have discomfort from gaming?

Please share the tools, resources, and other things you do to feel good while gaming.


Gameplay Surveys

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Average Hours to Rank

Determining the time it takes to rank will give health professionals a better understanding of when a particular condition may become a problem.

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Gaming Session Breaks

Breaks when gaming should be a good way to improve performance and health. Please help us to understand how people utilize their breaks between gaming sessions.


other Surveys

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How you found AlignXP

We would love to know how you discovered AlignXP.

Please take a short bit of time to let us know!
(only 3 questions)

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Channels AlignXP place content

AlignXP is beginning to produce content on several platforms.

Please let us know how we are doing, if we are in the right areas, or could be in others. Thanks!